Monday, May 28, 2007

Lunch with the Johnston's

Since eating is our new pastime, we met Scott, Soyoung and baby Audrey at Urth Cafe in West Hollywood. Thanks for the great time.

Week 26

Friday, May 25, 2007

Baby 101

Last night Mommy and Daddy went to a "Baby Saver" class with our twin friends the Hiskeys. It was very good, we learned so much. I think Daddy got a little freaked out on the CPR choking part.

We found out these items may choke us:
Hot Dogs
Chunks of Meat
Hard Candy
Peanut Butter
Pen Caps
Small button-type batteries
...and the number one thing, water bottle caps!

Daddy said he needs to get certified in CPR.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

They come by twos...

This was daddy's when he was a baby...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day at Grandma J's

Boy what a trip... Mommy and Daddy needed to make room in their bedroom (now our bedroom) so they swapped their king size bed with Grandma's queen. Since we rented a U-haul to move our bed, we decided we may as well move all of Daddy's shoes too. The ride there was really beautiful. We traveled through the desert and Mommy stopped to potty a few times (what's new) and WOW... was it hot out there! When we arrived, Grandma had lots of yummy food prepared - Mommy sure loved those deviled eggs. We mostly spent our weekend shopping and eating. Grandma had a great time spoiling us with lots of goodies. The best part for Mommy and Daddy was going through all of Daddy's stuff from when he was a little guy. Grandma gave us Daddy's first Cat in the Hat book from his Grandpa. We are also excited to get Daddy's mobile that was on his crib. It is very cool. It has lots of animals and is very colorful. Thanks for a great weekend Grandma J! See you soon!

Baby "A" and Baby "B"

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

24 weeks and counting

I thought black was supposed to make you look smaller?

Monday, May 7, 2007

Now it's official...

Jack sent us these COOL things today. They have more gadgets than Daddy's car. Jack also sent us cards explaining we will be spending a lot of time in them, whether we like it or not. He says we can nap, eat, play and even poop in these things! Wow, we can't wait. Thank you Jack, tell Mommy and Daddy thank you too!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Late Nights = Happy Twins

Friday Night was big for us. Mommy and Daddy were having such a good time that they let us stay up late. It has been a long time since our parents have seen 1:00 a.m. The fun started at dinner with Mike (apparently, also know as Brian to some people) and Rebecca (our twin buddies Mommy). We had so much fun talking about baby things, while our Daddies talked about skateboard stuff. The food was really yummy and we even had surprise chocolate cake! Mommy taught us already to thank people when they do thoughtful things. Thank you Rebecca, for sneaking that one. After dinner we heard that Red's Mommy and Daddy had made the drive down from Tinseltown. Also to join in the fun were our local Long Beach pals, Tara and Bobby. We all came back to our house and talked guessed it, more baby stuff - girls in one room and boys in the other. Sounds like the two 'mommies-to-be' have a lot to get ready for...we can't wait to meet you all!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Happy Birthday to you, Mommy!!!!

Today is Mommy's birthday and we heard Daddy talking about taking her out to dinner somewhere special. We want you to have a party like this one, can you pleeeeeease!!?? Because anyone with a party like that would have the best day ever!

Love, Us...

...oh and Daddy loves you too!