Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's Fall!

We're not in California anymore...and we like it!

From our twin cousins...

Our cousins, Lindsay and Lauren, gave us their kitchen and we love it! Thank you big cousins... and Mommy and Daddy thank you too!


what my favorite food is? Yep, sweet potato and carrots. I eat so much of it my nose is orange. The doctor said it's ok...Mommy asked.

I only pop on carpet


I like to dance!

We had our 15 month check up yesterday...

...and everything is well. Although, we had 2 shots that Mommy and Daddy didn't tell us about.

Chlo-Bears new ride...

I like to ride the "horsey" while watching Yo Gabba Gabba!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Look what I can do!!!

I'm keeping Mommy very busy - that's why we haven't been around much.
*note: my first steps were actually taken on Oct 3rd!!!

The Park

My sister Chloe loves this swing. Everyday after lunch, we have to go to the park. She gets so mad when it's time to leave. I think Daddy needs to put one in the yard. :)

Long Beach Aquarium

Thanks to the Kole and Shane, we made a trip to the aquarium before we moved! Thanks guys, we had a great time!